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PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), also known as Platelet Rich Plasma, is a method prepared from the person's own blood and used to stimulate and regulate healing in many areas of medicine. With the help of dozens of PRP preparation kits in use, 10-60 ml of blood is taken from the patient, this blood is separated by special disposable filters and centrifuge devices and unwanted parts are removed. The 2-6 ml aliquot contains platelet-rich plasma and has found application in many musculoskeletal injuries. The main task of platelets is to form the clot that stops bleeding from occurring when an injury occurs. In addition, they contain dozens of growth factors that contribute to tissue repair and healing. When these growth factors are introduced into the environment, they support the body's own healing mechanisms and help repair damaged tissues.

PRP is not a medicine. It does not contain any substance other than the person's own blood. Unlike drugs, its effect is limited to the area where it is applied. It does not cause side effects in kidney, liver and stomach. Does not contain cortisone. PRP contains growth factors that enable cells in the body's healing response to reach the area and proliferate. These factors also have positive effects on the formation of new vessels, prevention of infections, and production of tissue proteins. In recent years, forms containing hyaluronic acid have also been developed for some intra-articular PRP applications. In this type of injections, PRP is prepared from the blood taken from the patient, then mixed with hyaluronic acid and injected into the joint.

In which diseases is PRP effective?

PRP has been applied in different areas of general surgery, plastic surgery and orthopedics. Among these, orthopedic uses can be summarized under several headings.

  1. Chronic tendinopathies: 79-93% successful results were obtained with PRP applications in tennis elbow. This ratio is slightly better than the results obtained with cortisone application, and the disadvantages of cortisone application are avoided. Similarly, 80% successful results have been reported with PRP applications in Achilles tendon diseases, chronic patellar tendon injuries and plantar fascitis. PRP should be preferred in cases where adequate results cannot be obtained with rest, medications and physical therapy methods in this patient group.

  2. Knee ligament injuries: There are studies showing faster recovery and return to sports in a shorter time with PRP injections after internal lateral ligament injuries, which are common in athletes.

  3. Muscle injuries: A faster return to sports has been reported with PRP injections in muscle contractions or intramuscular bleeding, which are also seen in athletes.

  4. Osteoarthritis (Calcification): In the early stages of osteoarthritis in the knee joint, PRP injections have been reported to reduce pain and improve functions for 6 months. However, PRP treatment does not change the natural course of the disease and cannot reverse the existing wear and tear. It has been shown in comparative studies that PRP injections are slightly superior to hyaluronic acid injections.

  5. Supporting cartilage repair: The treatment of cartilage injuries in young patients is still an important problem. Today, it is not possible to recreate damaged articular cartilage with its original architectural structure and biological features. PRP applications have come to the fore in order to increase the quality of the repair tissue created with many treatment methods. The biological covers used in cartilage repair, called matrix, are synthetic and soluble structures that provide a suitable environment for cells to develop and transform into cartilage. It has been shown that a higher quality repair tissue can be obtained with PRP or bone marrow concentrate applications together with these matrices. This is the most studied and exciting area of PRP today.

  6. As an aid during surgery: In various studies, the jelly-shaped form of PRP has been used in knee replacement, repair of shoulder muscle ruptures and anterior cruciate ligament repairs. Although it reduces postoperative bleeding, it has not been shown to have a positive effect on results.

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